I’m Shital Godad!
I am a Paleoceanographer, working on tiny marine organisms which are fossilized in the sediment. I apply different geochemical techniques on these fossilized organisms to understand past fluctuations in earth’s climate.
My work has given me opportunity to work from Equatorial region to Polar region (Arctic). Working on polar region is far too different from lower latitudes. First it is difficult to obtain samples from Arctic regions and second even if we get the samples they are more than the worth of a diamond. Therefore, working in polar region is exciting yet risky.
I think polar region needs more people who are keen on learning about different aspects of this region and it is important that we all work together towards protecting, restoring the damage which have caused or may cause due to climate change.
Goa, well known for its rich heritage and beautiful beaches, is where I was born and brought up. Coming from the coastal state, like every other family it has been a routine for my family to visit beaches very often. From childhood I was curious about oceans and mysteries it holds underneath and the thirst just grew as I started getting older. And I suppose due to this yearning I took marine science as my study subject. Apart from the researching the nature’s underwater hidden treasures of knowledge, my research work, I enjoy painting, going occasional treks/hikes, reading, traveling and baking.
My parents took me along with my siblings to various exhibitions whenever they use to held in the city. The exhibitions showcased various aspects of science, history, arts etc in a simple and exciting way. These exhibitions gave us glance how altogether different world exist apart from school and home in a world when there was no internet. In these exhibitions where I encountered models of penguins, seals, life in polar region and so on.
In addition, my parents were always into reading myriad books, therefore this led us too into the reading habit from bed time stories to science fiction.
Coming from the family of medical doctors and teachers, my decision to pursue my career in oceanography was shocking. Few of my loved ones have accepted my career choice and they encourage me. Whereas, few feel I am ignorant and wont be successful.
I would like to explore more in detail how polar regions are impacting ongoing climate phenomena in lower latitudes and vice versa and what it implies for future climate change.
My family is my inspiration!!
I think polar region needs more people who are keen on learning about different aspects of this region and It is important that we all work together towards protecting, restoring the damage which have caused or may cause due to climate change. I look forward for new collaborations and new friends in polar science.