Polar Portals
Supported by:
In autumn 2022, we will send Polar Portals (AR enabled postcards) via the Antarctic to schools in the UK to inspire and engage children to consider a career in polar research, especially among the target audience of 8 – 12 year olds from racial and ethnic minorities.
We will be commissioning original works from BIPOC artists living in polar regions which will be printed into several postcard designs. The postcards will present visual artworks connected to the theme of polar regions, exploration and science.
On the reverse of the postcards, pupils will be able to access a QR code to learn about the postcard’s journey and bring it to life through AR.
With Royal Museums Greenwich an under-18s Postcard Design Competition will be held with local schools in East London. The winning postcard will be stocked UK Antarctic Heritage Trust Penguin Post Office and available for purchase. A temporary exhibition for all entries to the competition will be hosted at the National Maritime Museum in December 2022.
If you are an organisation and are interested in sponsoring this project, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact us through our ‘contact us’ page.
A canvas to commission original pieces of art by BIPOC artists and promote their talent and career.
A virtual expedition diary to capture the journey of the explorers who carry the cards.
A physical and immersive personal memento to connect inner-city children to the Polar Regions and enable them to view themselves as future polar scientists.
Concept postcard by Emma Armitage Illustration (2022).
Postcard Designs.
Indigenous artists to design postcards
Art competition for under 18s for final postcard design
Under-18s Art Competition.
The winning postcard will be stocked at Penguin Post Office in Antarctica.
Pop up exhibition for all entries hosted at the National Maritime Museum, London.
Digital Content.
Information linked on the postcard:
An existing profile of a Polar Impact explorer.
A digital diary entry of the Scientist who transported the postcard to Antarctica.
A map showing the postcards journey.
Activities to be used in class.
Workshop # 1 - Digital Architecture for the Polar Portal Outreach Project
Date: 20/07/22
Time: 11:00 – 17:00, lunch provided
Location: The Alan Turing Institute (British Library), The Enigma Room
Workshop Aim
Establish a data pipeline for constructing a digital journal, which captures the journey of polar explorers who carry Polar Postcards on their Antarctic expeditions.